Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Update on Leanne

Thank you all for your prayers for my sister-in-law Leanne. She is doing much better and her tests came back good this morning. They were still trying to figure out why this even happened and the doctor kept asking her if she took drugs and every time she said no. She is a bartender so she told him she does drink occasionally. It seemed every time the doctor would come in he would ask her again about drugs. Finally my brother put two and two together and told the doctor that when Leanne quit smoking 8 months ago, she started taking these energy pills called Stacker 2. When the doctor heard of this he said this is most likely what cause her to have the stroke! Stackers have caffeine and ephedrine in them and because caffeine and ephedrine are both stimulants, taking them in combination can overburden the nervous system, leading (in worst cases) to stroke, heart attacks, and seizures! Symptoms of caffeine abuse alone can include insomnia, palpitations, tremors, sweating, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, chest paints, and neurological symptoms! People do not realize that popping these "energy pills" or "diet pills" such as; No Doz, Alert, Vivarin, Stay Awake or the ever popular "energy drinks" that are all the rage, can have serious affects on your body. My brother even admitted he has taken these types of "energy pills" here and there for over 10 years! Then my older sister said she has taken the Stacker 2 pills for energy when she works a double at work. This has been an eye opener for them to say the least.
Thank you again for your prayers. Continue to pray for their souls. I love you all!


Anonymous said...

Hey, Girl!
Glad to read that Leanne is better and that they hopefully have figured out what caused it. Those pills are very dangerous and I know a couple of girls at work that use them-and they know better. I tried one once and I felt so shaky and jittery that I couldn't even function-that lasted for about 25 min and that was it!
I'd rather be tired and fat than feel like that again or at worst-have a stroke!
Write you again soon....Becky

Anonymous said...

WOW! So glad to hear that your sister is doing better. Praise God! The last bit of yoru post was really an eye opener! Hope she continues to be on the mend!

Love you!

Family W said...

Wow, its something to think twice about before putting that stuff in your body. I hope she recovers quickly. God bless!

Anonymous said...

I'm glad she is better, Brandi. Thanks for sharing this info for others, too.

Anonymous said...

Thanks so much for the update. And wow...the news info in there! :) Thank you...I am VERY leary of pills! If I have a headache I want a nap...not a pill! There are times I take pain reliever but usually there is a way to treat the REAL problem (ex. headache for me is usually lack of sleep!) not just the symptoms!