Saturday, April 5, 2008

Hairspray Party!

Cassie (Tracy Turnblad), Kristen (Penny Pingleton), Chrissie (Tracy's mother)
Ultra Clutch Hairspray Cake that I made for Cassie
Here is the other half of the cake!
Kristen won "Little Miss Hairspray"
Happy 16th Birthday Cassie!


Blessed Blackman Bunch said...

Thank you! Those girls had my mouth watering for pictures!
How funny is Chrissie!
Love seeing all this. And the cakes...WONDERFUL! :)
Love you Brandi!

Anonymous said...

Awe!! Thanks you Aunt Brandi!!! I LOVED my cakes!!!! They were SO pretty!!! And they tasted good too!!! Love ya SO much! You are the BEST!!!! :D

Iturblog said...

Awe what fun! GREAT job on the cakes! I showed them to Tristen and he was quite impressed! (One of his dream jobs at the moment is to be a pastry chef-at first he called it a "junk-food chef" but I gathered from him that he was thinking of a pastry chef and told him the "propper" term!) Those look awesome and I'm sure they tasted great too! Happy Belated Birthday Cassie! You sure are blessed to have such a loving, talented Aunt! :) Miss you guys!