Monday, July 7, 2008

Weighing In . . . .

Well today officially ended week 2 of Weight Watchers. I have lost a total of 7 pounds so far. I am ready for another week. I am taking it one day at a time and that has been very helpful! Thank you all for your prayers and comments. It does help to just put it out there so others can hold me accountable.
On other news. . . . . I had blood work done last week since I had a doctor's appointment today. He wanted to check my iron and make sure I was doing okay and that the hysterectomy was indeed helpful in correcting my anemia. Good news . . . . for the FIRST time in my life, my blood work was normal! It is low normal, but none the less, normal. I am so happy about this. I am no longer anemic! Praise God! I am so thankful that God has provided the greatest doctors for me. They have cared for me like no other doctor I have had. I actually enjoy going to the doctor now. I do not have to go back for another 6 months and that is to check my blood levels once more. If everything is still okay then he said I wouldn't have to come back for a year. I am on no medication except a Vitamin B12 shot, which Lynette will enjoy giving to me! I start this tomorrow. This will give me more energy and hopefully help with the weight loss. This has been a long process but I am so happy it is all over with and I am finally normal . . . .can you believe it? Me? Normal? HA!
Thanks again to all who have prayed for me, and served my family during my recovery time. You all are the best. I love you all very much and am so thankful for each one of you. It has been 12 weeks today since my surgery and I feel so much better already. God is so good to me!


Colleen Moore said...

You go girl!!!

You're gonna LOVE the shots! You will not believe how much energy you will have!

I signed up for WW last night...and the grocery game...please send any tips you have, recipes, etc.

Love you!

Angi Swan said...

Praise Jesus for His healing touch!