Sunday, May 4, 2008

Who's daughter is this?

Can you imagine my surprise when Kristen came home from church today and I saw her wearing this?
I was like, "Sis, you wore that hat all through the service?" She was like, "yeah". Then her dad came in kind of chuckling and said he had no idea when he left the house this morning with her that she intended on wearing the hat and her brother's hand me down hoody. He thought she was just cold this morning and would take them off!!! John had a busy day since our pastor is on vacation. His mind was on other things (like preaching the sermon) and he just really didn't think Kristen had truly intended on wearing this during church!
This is SO not my daughter! She is all about dressing up and wearing lip gloss. I was just so shocked that she would even put such an outfit on, especially the winter hat, and go to church in it. Oh my!
This is what happens when mommy is recovering . . . . .Kristen goes gangster!


Anonymous said...

You mean "gansta!" This is so funny! I am cracking up!!!! That girl is so funny!!!

Jane Ellen said...

That is so funny! I saw the cap (since we always sit behind your family) and thought, hmmm...but then didn't see her after that. I KNOW what you mean. Remember Gracie's hair stuff?!?!? TO CHURCH! Yikes!

Still....she's the sweetest lil' gangsta I ever did see!

Love you and praying you're doing better each day!

Love, Tammy

Blessed Blackman Bunch said...

I didn't see her all through the service. I thought she and Nick were home then I finally say Nick way up front. Maybe I didn't realize it was her. THEN after church I saw her and thought "HMMMM" as well. But then I thought it was kinda cute. But then wondered if she wore the hat all through church!!! :) TOO TOO FUNNY!
But I agree she is the SWEETEST Gangsta ever!
Dads...bless their hearts they are SO busy and SO not detail oriented!!!!
Glad you are feeling much better. The girls said you enjoyed a trip to Walmart. We leave Thurs. for GA but I hope to come by and see you. Will call first!
Love you! :)

Blessed Blackman Bunch said...

oh...just kidding...WINN DIXIE. Can you tell I got to WM way more than WD!!? :)

Anonymous said...

Hee Hee! So funny! Cassie and I were doing the welcome center and we saw Kristen walk in and I looked over at Cassie and said, "Brandi must have been sleeping when they left for church!" LOL! I love her, she is so funny!

Iturblog said...

Awe she is so cute! I saw her in the hat when she was sitting and remember thinking how adorable she looked (sorry to use a "Mom word" Kristen, but it's accurate!). I didn't see the whole outfit tho'! Great look Kristen!

Jane Ellen said...

I think your outfit was great! Hey, if I had the chance, i would go comfortable too! jk!!! lol!
Glad to hear your feeling better, Mrs. Brandi!

Iturblog said...

Happy Mother's Day Brandi! I pray you have a wonderful day!
