Friday, September 28, 2007

We are headed "home"!

Back home again in Indiana is where we will be, come Monday! We are thrilled to be able to go visit with family and friends! We are actually having a family reunion for John's family while we are home. The main reason we are going this time of year is two fold. First, we haven't been in Indiana in the fall since the fall of 2002! This is my favorite time of year so every time I hear my family back home tell me the leaves are just starting to turn, I get a little homesick! Secondly, we planned this time around The Mississinewa Battle of 1812! I have been wanting to take the children to this for a couple of years but have went home in the summertime instead of the fall for family reunions and my dad's surprise 60th birthday party. So when John was going to be planning our year I sent him the dates of this re-enactment and asked if we could go. My sweetie put it on the calendar and so we are now getting packed up and getting ready to leave Monday morning. John is also going to take us all to his favorite place . . . Purdue University, and show the children around his old campus. They have been there before but were so small they barely remember any of it. Then we are also going to take them to Connor Prairie. I haven't been there for years! We did field trips there in school. We are so looking forward to this time with family. Some of our family members are going to join us on our outings so that makes it even more exciting to me! This will be a hard time as well. This will be my first time back "home" since my dad passed away. It will be hard walking back up to the house where he had his accident that bitter cold day in February. It is still so fresh in my mind. I miss him terribly. I plan on visiting his grave for the first time as well. Please pray for me if you think of me. As much as I am looking forward to going back, part of me just never wants to go back there again. God has been so very kind to remind me that His plans are perfect and that my dad is in Heaven with Jesus, his Savior! It is really hard to continue to be sad when I think of that! I can't wait for the day when I too can be with my Savior and worship him forever!

I write all of this today because this weekend will be a busy one for us and I will not be able to post before we leave. I am not sure if I will have internet to be able to post while in Indiana so have a wonderful week! Thank you for your prayers!


Debi Walter said...

Your trip sounds wonderful! I'll pray for you as the Lord brings you to mind, knowing that it will be somewhat of an emotional roller coaster - but God will be your comforter. May He speak sweet words to your soul. Can't wait to hear all about it!

Katherine Peschau said...

I have to say I am a tad bit jealous. I went there when I was in 4th grade and I have very fond memories of it. I look forward to seeing the pictures. I hope you have a wonderful time and that everyone stays healthy.

Anonymous said...

FALL...we love fall and wish we had more color here! Just yesterday I was talking with TI about Fall and he was asking me about diff. color leaves and I told him we don't get MANY of those here in FL. TODAY I was at his home having a yard sale with Megan and Kendra and he found 3 COLORED leaves!!!!
We look forward to a time when we can take our children to Valdosta State University to see our campus...the place we met!
So glad you get to do all this! Tell your children I said "Wear those HOME SCHOOL shirts proudly!!!"
Love y'all...see you in the morning!

Anonymous said...

FALL...we love fall and wish we had more color here! Just yesterday I was talking with TI about Fall and he was asking me about diff. color leaves and I told him we don't get MANY of those here in FL. TODAY I was at his home having a yard sale with Megan and Kendra and he found 3 COLORED leaves!!!!
We look forward to a time when we can take our children to Valdosta State University to see our campus...the place we met!
So glad you get to do all this! Tell your children I said "Wear those HOME SCHOOL shirts proudly!!!"
Love y'all...see you in the morning!

Anonymous said...

FALL...we love fall and wish we had more color here! Just yesterday I was talking with TI about Fall and he was asking me about diff. color leaves and I told him we don't get MANY of those here in FL. TODAY I was at his home having a yard sale with Megan and Kendra and he found 3 COLORED leaves!!!!
We look forward to a time when we can take our children to Valdosta State University to see our campus...the place we met!
So glad you get to do all this! Tell your children I said "Wear those HOME SCHOOL shirts proudly!!!"
Love y'all...see you in the morning!

Anonymous said...

oops...don' know how I did that...please delete THIS one and 2 of the others so I don't look so silly! :)

Anonymous said...

Have a wonderful trip, Brandi. Miss you already.


Tammy said...

Sounds like you and your family are going to have a great time. Oh, the fond memories I have of raking and jumping into the leaf pile and opening the windows on a nice fall day. This was all in upstate NY. Have a great time and bring back some cool weather for us Floridians!

Unknown said...

All your talk of Indiana makes me homesick for Indiana. I still have a sister and aunts, uncles and cousins there. It sounds like you had a wonderful trip planned...and some hard things too. I pray the Lord blessed your time!