Thursday, September 6, 2007

Poor Baby!

Well, we are having a great time here at Disney! I have lots of pictures to share! But, ever since we arrived, Kristen has not felt well. She has a terrible cough that makes her chest hurt. She coughs so bad she sometimes throws up. Needless to say, she has not had the best week. But she has been a trooper and did go to MGM yesterday. But last night when we got back to our room, she was wiped out. She didn't sleep well through the night, from coughing, and woke up very tired. So Kristen and I decided to just hang out today in our room so she could rest. We went over to the Community Hall here and got free videos so we have been watching Disney movies all day long. We both fell asleep during Mary Poppins so I even got a little nap in! John and the boys went to Epcot today for a fun guys day out! If you think of Kristen, please pray for her. We plan on going to Sea World tomorrow and her and I really want to go! We may still attempt it and if it is too much, then we will just come back. Here are a couple of pictures of Kristen. The first one is her on the boat yesterday at Disney, on our way to the transportation center to catch a bus to MGM from Magic Kingdom. It seems every chance she would get to sit down or lay down she took it! The second picture is where she has spent most of today . . . . on the love seat . . . . freezing cold. We have been giving her medicine and it has helped but today she seems to be coughing even more! Please pray she gets better soon! We know God is able to heal her! Thanks for your prayers!


Camp Hope said...

Awe, Kristen I'm sorry your sick! What a way to spend vacation! :(
I am praying for you honey!


Aunt Billie

Anonymous said...

Awe! I'm SO sorry to hear this! :( We will be praying for sweet Kristen. Do you think she may be asthmatic? I know Tristen would get coughing REAL bad whenever he would get a cold and for a long time doctors just told us he just had "a bug". He was finally diagnosed with asthma after one of the "bugs" led to a hospital stay! It just sounded familiar when you wrote about her up at night and coughing so much she throws up. You're right, poor baby! :( Whatever the cause, we will be praying she feels better soon!

Tammy said...

I will be praying that God heals Kristen and that she can enjoy her vacation. Does she have a fever? There is so much going around right now.

Family W said...

I'm sorry she's not feeling well. I hope she's better very soon so she can enjoy the rest of the vacation. :)

Anonymous said...

hey guys im so soory to here about kristen. we have been trying to reach u every day. just thought your cell # had died. we wanted to see u one last time b/4 you left. pls call n let us know what we can do. u know Dr. badman lives right next door. he is home at 1;00pm today!!!!! call us 407-702-8261 love u guys n we r praying!! the ripleys