Friday, September 28, 2007

Chrissie turns 18!

This Sunday my niece Chrissie will be an adult! Hard to believe! She was just two years old when I got married. Boy, time flies! She has become such a lovely young lady and loves the Lord and seeks to Glorify Him in all she does. She is a joy to be around and so funny!!! She has quite the sense of humor. She came by today to borrow a baking pan. So I snapped a picture of her with her new haircut. I also gave her the apron I made for her for her birthday. I love that she loves to learn more about cooking and keeping a home. She will make a wonderful wife and mother one day . . . . hopefully soon, right Chrissie? God knows the plans he has for her and I can't wait to see how God works out all the little details of her life. I love you Chrissie, bunches and bunches! Happy Birthday my sweet one!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Awe, Thanks! I haven't had a chance
to check your blog until now! This was a very sweet post! :-D And I am most certain that I would not be the same person I am if it weren't for not only my mom's love and guidance but also yours and John's! i am so thankful that God chose to allow me to be apart of the family I am in! Thank you for allowing God to use you in my life! You are a wonderful example!Glory to God alone! I love you more n' more n' more!!!