Saturday, March 3, 2007

We are home!

Thank you all for your prayers for travel. We made it home safe and sound. We got up Friday morning and left at 5 a.m. our time and got in last night around 6:30 p.m. We made very good time and had wonderful weather. We were shedding our coats, hats and gloves by the time we got to Tennessee. It is going to be 71 here today and sunny!
It was so hard leaving Indiana and my sweet mother. My sister Billie and her family will be there with mom until the 12th and Lynette and the girls fly back to Orlando on Monday. Of course my brother and older sister live around mom, my sister living down the street. We have so many friends and family there as well so I know mom will be taken care of. God has provided everything she has had need of and I praise and thank Him for that.
Dad's funeral was beautiful. The presence of the Lord was overwhelming. The granddaughter sang "He's Always Been Faithful To Me" by Sara Groves. This is the song we all were singing everyday while in the hospital. It brought us such comfort and reminded us that God is faithful and he will continue to be! Then, Alex, my sister Billie's son, sang 2 songs and did really good. He played his guitar for one song. He just learned how to play the guitar and is doing really well. I sang a hymn melody with, "On Christ The Solid Rock I Stand, 'Tis So Sweet To Trust In Jesus, and Blessed Assurance". Then after John did an amazing job preaching the salvation message, we had a congregational hymn, "Amazing Grace". Dad and Mom's pastor, Rev. Brown also did a great job leading the funeral service and telling us how Dad was a servant. Dad was always helping others!
Thank you to all of you who served our family in anyway. Thank you for your continued prayers for mom and us kids and grandkids who will have sad days ahead. Just coming home to my house here in Crestview and standing in the kitchen, I was reminded of when Dad was here cooking his delicious ham for Christmas dinner and realized he would not be coming to visit us any longer and we would never watch him prepare that big 'ol pig for us. You see, we would all watch dad prepare the ham then when it was done we would all have a "sample" with him. Sometimes one of us would make it to the ham before him and when he would go have himself a little taste he would see someone had gotten into it and would say "Hey! Who's been in my ham?" We just couldn't resist it! I cherish all the memories of my dad. He loved being with his kids and grandkids and made it a point to see them when he could. I am so thankful that I got to spend November and December with my paretns. That was such a gift from God to me and my kids. Here are a few pictures of that ham I was talking about.

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