Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Too Cute!

I received this from my cousin today. Her son is 3 years old. Too cute! Here is what she wrote:

As most of you know, we've been attending a church here in town for the last month or so. Here is the evidence that Chayton is learning something. . .

Yesterday, Chayton was sitting on the couch with me and said, "Mommy, that lady at church said Jesus can take away all of our needs."

I replied, "Yes, if you ask God, he will give you what you need. That's what she means by taking away your needs."

Chayton teared up and said, "But, I don't want him to take mine away, I need my knees!"

I know I'm not supposed to laugh when he's so upset that Jesus will take his knees away--I just can't help it sometimes. Thought you'd all enjoy this. Love, Ivy