Wednesday, August 27, 2008

We have moved!

God is so amazing. We LOVE our church body. Not because we had a huge turn out of people helping us move, but because they truly love us and care for us and because we truly love and care for them. They are our family! They serve with joy and that just makes me smile. What a testimony this church family is to me.
We moved yesterday to our new place. We all feel so at home here already. We love it! I will post pics soon. I need to get things put away first.
The boys were especially blessed today. When we moved to Crestview 2 years ago, they had to leave behind their basketball goal because for one, we didn't have room on the truck, and for another, our lease for our home didn't allow them to have one. So for two years they have not played basketball. If you are from Indiana, that is what you do is play basketball all day long, every day! The boys have been so good about it all though. Well our new home has a huge cement patio out back just perfect for a basketball goal so Johnathn has been mowing our neighbor's yard to make some cash to save for a basketball goal. Would you know that today, our first whole day in our new neighborhood, our neighbor here had a basketball goal for sale for $40! So Johnathan went over and bought it right away and came bringing it home and set it all up. He was expecting to spend $150 on a new one. God just amazes me how he blesses us with the little things. God is so kind! Nicholas was thrilled to death to be able to play shirts and skins and get all stinky. Why do boys love to smell bad? It is like they are proud of this odor they produced . . . .I guess it does take some effort. Anyway, I was just in awe of God today in how he provides the simple everyday pleasures for us to enjoy. We don't deserve anything but he blesses us because he loves us so.

Friday, August 22, 2008

Kristen's 10th Birthday!

Yesterday we celebrated Kristen's 10th birthday! I can't believe my youngest is double digits. Where has the time gone? We were suppose to go to Gainesville to see friends this weekend and Kristen was so looking forward to celebrating her birthday with her best friend Katie, but Topical Storm Fay has made us have a change of plans. That's okay. We had a good time here at home celebrating with Aunt Net, and cousins Chrissie, and Cassie. Cassie made Kristen's birthday cake which was so delicious! John wanted to get Kristen flowers so she got a dozen pink roses which I put some into a little pink vase I had already purchased for her. And we bought her an alarm clock since hers was broken. It too is pink of course! We gave her some money in a card to be able to purchase some clothes or Build A Bear, or just whatever she wants to spend it on. Chrissie made Kristen some personal stationary and bought her a foo foo pen which she loves! Plus Aunt Net gave her some money too. Us girls went shopping after supper. Kristen got two pairs of shoes and a pair of bright yellow shorts! Plus she has a lot of money left over. She cracks me up though . . . .if it is over $10, she doesn't like it so much. We would show her tops or pants and when she saw how much they were depended on if she liked it. Isn't that the way it goes when you have to spend your own money? If it were my money she would say, oh mommy I love it!

Yesterday would have also been my dad's 62nd birthday. He gets to celebrate in Heaven . . . what a celebration he is having . . . . and he gets to do it forever, not just one special day! I am happy Kristen was born on her grandpa's birthday. I know he loved that too. I miss him so much. I miss him calling Kristen and saying Happy Birthday to her and she saying Happy Birthday back. It was such a special thing between them.

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Wednesday, August 20, 2008


John finally beat Kristen's record and was very proud of himself. But Kristen had a come back and has him beat again by one spin! Sad to say, I tried this and I barely got over 200 spins. This Wii Fit is really fun though!

Sunday, August 17, 2008

John playing Wii Fit

John hula hooping . . . trying to beat Kristen's record on Wii Fit. BTW, he gave me permission to post this. . . . . what a sport he is. He keeps me laughing!

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Play Time . . .

Nicholas and Kristen are enjoying their new backyard already . . . and we haven't even moved in yet!

Monday, August 11, 2008

I love painting . . . .

Kristen's new room before picture.
Kristen seeing her room for the first time after the Smith Girls and I painted it.
It's bright BUT she loves it. It will match her bedding perfectly and we found an adorable curtain that we can't wait to hang.
I guess I should back up and get every one caught up with what is happening with us. We will be moving by the end of this month into a home owned by friends in our church. They were renting this home out to another family in our church who bought a home and are moving out. Our lease at the home we have been renting since moving here in Sept. 2006 will end Sept. 1st. So, it all worked out for the other family to move out while we move in and the owners of the home will not go without renters. The home is a little smaller than the one we are renting now but we think it will be a better fit for us. The yard is big and fenced in and FLAT! We have a hill now in our backyard which is not only useless but really hard to mow. Our kids hardly ever play outside here. The new home also has a screened in backporch which we will use a lot! And my favorite thing about moving is . . . .I get to paint! YAY! The current renters have been so kind to give us a key and told us to come anytime and paint the rooms as they empty them. So today we painted Kristen's room and the dining room (which will be John's home office). Thank you Lisa for letting us come and get painting done. It is such a blessing to get this done before we actually move in. Thank you for your kindness!

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Calling Ladies In Orlando Who Are In Need Of Extra Cash!

Did that title get your attention? ~smile~

I wanted to help spread the word!! Do you have children's clothes in like new condition that you are interested in getting rid of for a better than yard sale price?
In October some ladies that I know will be hosting this sale in Orlando called Botique for a Week! This is a great way to make some cash for whatever you may need it for....
here is the website:
You will want to check this out!! :)

Friday, August 1, 2008

Free Grammar Videos K-8th grade

A friend sent me this link to view free grammar videos and I thought it was a very cool website and wanted to share it with you. If you have children you are homeschooling, you may find FREE GRAMMAR VIDEOS very helpful! The video above is a cute one of nouns.