Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Update on Granny

John's mom called today and said Granny has taken a turn for the worse. She was suppose to be released today to go home cause she was doing much better but they are wondering if she had another heart attack this morning cause she is not doing well at all. John's mom said that both of Granny's doctors were in this morning and came out and talked to them. They said they don't expect her to get any better and they didn't believe she was going to make it through this. They are going to make her comfortable.
So although our circumstance change, we know our God remains the same! We are so very grateful that Grandma is ready to meet Jesus! Although we are very sad, we also rejoice knowing that Grandma's homecoming is near! What a day that will be when Jesus' face she will see! It will be worth it all!


Anonymous said...

John and Brandi,
We are praying for granny! I am soo thankful to God for bringing her into my life!! It was her sweetie, Henry, that lead me to Christ!!! Although I am sad to think she will not be around, I am so excited to know that she will be seeing our precious Saviour and her beloved Henry that she misses so much!!! My prayer is that she will continues to have peace that surpasses all understanding and that God will comfort all of you through this bitter sweet time!!! God is sovereign and His timing is perfect! Let us know how we can serve you!!! I love you guys so much!!!! ~Lynette

Iturblog said...

Awe, I have been praying for sweet Granny and am so sorry she isn't doing well. But she will be in MUCH better place soon! I will be praying God eases any pain she may have and that she goes peacefully.

Anonymous said...

Brandi, I am so inspired by your strength and courage in these questionable times....just relying on God's hand to direct your thoughts for your husband and his mom. Our prayers are with you guys!! Love The Eastham's