Friday, November 30, 2007

Pray for Granny

Just wanted to have you all pray for John's Granny once again. They called last night and had taken her to the ER by ambulance because she was experiencing terrible chest pains. They say she had a heart attack. My mom went up there today and called me and said Granny looks really bad. I guess Granny told one of the nurses she was just going to go to sleep and not wake up and that would be okay with her. Just pray with us that God would comfort Granny and the family during this time. A lot of us live away so it is difficult to think if something happes, how everyone would get back. We were all just there for our reunion - which we are so very grateful for! This picture is of Kristen with Granny at McDonalds. Granny loves cheeseburgers from McDonalds so that is where we took her when we went home. We are so thankful that we were able to go to Indiana in October and spend time with family. God is so kind!
Oh by the way, I realize I just call her Granny and haven't given you her name . . . it is Della King. She is 93 years old and she loves the Lord with all her heart! So when you think of us, please pray for Granny. Thank you so much for your prayers.


Iturblog said...

Awe! :-( Will be sure to pray for peace and easing of any pain for sweet Granny. I love McDonald's cheeseburgers too! Dunno what it is about them that is SO good! Love you guys and will be praying for you all!

Anonymous said...

We will be praying for her too!! and all of you guys!! Have a wonderful Holiday Season!!