Tuesday, June 12, 2007

In Days Of Trials

“Some of you are enduring deep affliction. In your extraordinary trial, remember the depth of divine faithfulness. You may be unable to comprehend why, but I urge you to believe in the firmness and stability of divine affection. You will have comfort in proportion to your trials. If you have shallow sorrows you will receive shallow graces. If you have deep afflictions you will obtain deeper proof of God's faithfulness.I could lay down and die when I think of life’s trials, but like Sarah (Genesis 21:6) I recover and laugh when I remember that the eternal God is our refuge and that underneath are the everlasting arms (Deut. 33:27). God will not fail. God will not take away His hand until He has finished His purpose concerning us.
Great trials bring great promises. Much afflicted one, there are great and mighty words that are not meant for saints of easier experiences. You will drink from the deep golden goblets reserved for those giants who can drink a great portion of wormwood, but God will also supply deep drinks of the well-refined wines on the lees (Is. 25:6).
Trials greatly enlarge the soul. Thus I do not want, in my better mind, to escape great trials, since they involve great graces. If my strength shall be as my days (Deut. 33:25), then let my days be long and dark, for my strength will be mighty, God will be glorified, and I will be blessed. I earnestly urge every tested Christian to dwell on this truth, for it may be a great comfort.
There is love, immortal and unchanging love, in heaven toward you, which will never grow cold. You will be helped. God would sooner cease to be than cease to be faithful. Be of good courage, for today He will strengthen your heart.”

-Charles Spurgeon, Beside Still Waters


Anonymous said...

Oh what a fresh reminder to rest in HIM and that struggles and trials really are a GOOD thing. When I am not going through trials I am not seeing my heart for what it really is! Thanks Brandi, I needed this today! :)

Unknown said...

The words of Spurgeon always seem to pierce my heart no matter the circumstances. Praise God for men who left for us such amazing and rich contemplations so that we might feed our souls. Thank you for sharing.