Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Running on empty?

Lately I have been feeling like my tank is always on "E". I have suffered from low iron my whole life. I haven't always taken my iron like I am suppose to and somehow I always got by. I learned to live with it. Some days were better than others but for the most part I could do everything I wanted and it didn't seem to effect me. But in the last year I have noticed that I am just tired all the time. And other things were starting to happen that got my attention as well. I started having chest pains, couldn't concentrate, poor sleep, dizziness, and my hands and feet were cold all the time! I went to the doctor and he sent me for some heart tests and blood work to check everything out. All my heart tests came back normal, thank the Lord, and all the other test came back okay as well. . . . . all except my iron, which was very low. I had told my doctor that it would show I was anemic cause I have been my whole life. He subscribed 300 mg of iron a day but let me start out with 150 mg a day until my body can adjust to the iron and recommend I see my GYN. After going through some things at the GYN's office, she determined that I have an enlarged uterus causing heavy bleeding, which is depleting the iron in my body. So, she doubled my iron to 300 mg a day because I am going to need to have a hysterectomy done and my iron is not high enough at this point to do the surgery. They scheduled the hysto for April 21st in hopes my iron will be high enough by then. I go back on my 35th birthday, April 16th, for more blood work to make sure I can indeed proceed with the surgery. I have no doubt I will be ready . . . all this iron I am on should do the trick! Even though I an not looking forward to having surgery, I am looking forward to be running on a full tank once again! I was reading a pamphlet on anemia and read this:
Why does iron deficiency rob us of our get up and go? Just as a fire can't burn if we cut off its supply of oxygen, a shortage of iron in the blood means that our cells are deprived of the oxygen they need to burn the body's fuel. The problem is further compounded since iron is required to produce the ATP (adenosine triphosphate) our cells use for fuel. With too little oxygen and too little fuel, instead of running on all eight cylinders, we run on two or three, and sputter through our day.
Well that describes me . . . sputtering through my day! Some days my get up and go has already got up and went before I even get out of bed! I do have to say that this whole process as made me be more reliant upon Christ. I cannot get through one day on my own strength! I need Him to give me the strength to do the things I need to do. He has been so gracious to me and has given me all I have needed for each day, even times to lay down and rest. God is so faithful!
Thank you for your prayers!


Iturblog said...

Awe, that must be tough to go through every day. :( I'm glad you found the "cause" tho' and I will be praying that all goes well and that you can get some rest. Yes God IS faithful...what a gift that is! I didn't know your birthday was April 16th-the same as my sister and KP! :) Keep us posted please. Love you!

Anonymous said...

I love you, and your big 'ol uterus! :-D Praying for ya!

Tammy said...

Wow! Quite interesting....I pray that everything goes well with your surgery.

Blessed Blackman Bunch said...

I cannot wait for you to have this done. Looking forward to an EVER BETTER you!
I love you :)